
Forever Becoming

Instrumental post-metal from Chicago.  I’ve been a big Pelican fan for years, but Forever Becoming is probably now my favourite of their records.  Reminiscent of an angry Mogwai (a Gremlin – ?), or I suppose more accurately bands like Maybeshewill, Pelican produce layered and inventive heavy music, which twists and turns its way into a world far beyond the powerhouse riffs of most metal bands.  Not to say that there aren’t some damn heavy riffs on show.  Cause there are.  And they’ll kick your butt.  Just that there’s plenty else too.  The main change from previous Pelican releases is the introduction of delicate acoustic sections, which adds to the mood of the overall piece and means that when the hammer falls, it hits all the harder.  The multiple guitars playing different variations across octaves add depth, and you never once notice that Pelican don’t have a singer.  Heavy as hell, but with melody and originality – and not a vocalist in sight.   

Sample track: ‘Immutable Dust’